The Clan Gang List

Outside of the settlements and beyond the shanties lies the untamed frontier of No Mans' Land. Though dangerous, No Mans' Land is considerably less hazardous than the wastes it borders and contains many valuable resources like clean water and usable scrap metal or masonry and as a result this benighted land is home to most of the domes' population. The dangers of their home force these people into fairly small but tightly knit communities called Holesteads, behind stout walls and the protection of their gangsters where they scratch a living from the unforgiving land, much like peasant farmers of Prehistory.

Every community, however small, supports a gang. Those that don't or can't do not survive for long against Scavvies and other scum from the wastes, or the raids from more successful Holesteads envious of their property. The gang is made up of the most able and resourceful of the Holesteaders and is funded, equipped and aided in every way by the people they protect. Gangs such as this patrol No-Mans Land incessantly, seeking out danger and opportunity.


Clan Gang Special Rules


Clan Gangs have a recruitment rating of 10 and a successful recruitment roll allows you to add D3 Juves to your gang. Every 5 points above 10 you score adds one to the D3 roll, so if you rolled 15 you will gain D3+1 Juves. All new members MUST be bought at least one shooting weapon - if you cannot or will not arm them, you may not add them to your roster.


Clan Gangs are wholly dependant on their people for support. The better the Holestead does, the better the gang does and vice versa. In game terms, the assistance offered by the Holesteaders means that you do not need to send gangsters to work your territories - your less militant family members take care of it for you!

House Affiliation

Holesteaders usualy retain and often exaderate the ways and mannerisms of the House they were born into, reinforcing their sense of identity and kinship. The different character of these Houses shows through in the way that their gangsters fight - Van Saars are disciplined and good shots, whilst Orlocks are deadly up close and full of bravado. Some of this is reflected in the way you play the gang, but it is also taken into account when Veterans advance.

Each House has it's own sterotype advance table, reflecting the character of it's fighters. If you wish your gang to be less stereotypical, however, you may choose to be Unaligned.





EQUIPMENT:Juves may be given equipment from chart 1
EXPERIENCE:Juves attaining a total of X experience points become Gangsters.
  With his heart in his mouth, Yarrel approached the low building that Ironfire Incorporated used as their base. Though he was afraid, he was also an Orlock and even at his early age he was too proud to let his fear show. His brother Chirda had died when Scavvies raided the Holestead and since then Yarrel had known he could not stay working the land like his family. He'd been too young then but now... today, he came one step closer to vengeance.

  Arn and Sellik leaped a low wall and ran into the cover of a crumbling outhouse, Fianchi's limp form slumped between them, bullets kicking up dirt behind and around them. Setting Fianchi down in a corner, the two gangsters hunkered down out of sight and readied their weapons.

The enemies were getting cocky in their persuit and made easy targets. One took a round in his leg and went down screaming and another took a shell square in the chest before the rest realised their danger and scattered to take cover. Taking advantage of this brief respite, Arn and Sellik drew back, picked up Fianchi and moved on.



EQUIPMENT:Gangsters may be given equipment from chart 1
EXPERIENCE:Gangsters attaining a total of X experience points become (1d6)
1-2:Heavies, 3-4:Henchmen
MAJORITY:When created, your gang MUST include at least as many normal Gangsters as all other members together.



Gang Leader4434880

EQUIPMENT:The Leader may be given equipment from charts 1 and 2
INSPIRING:Friendly models within 6" of the Leader may add two to their Guts rating, to a maximum of the Leader's own Guts.
  "No. We stay right here. They're just trying to lead us into a trap." Gordo gave the order for the third time, but it wasn't what Hebuk wanted to hear. "We should go after them! Crush them whilst they're still weak! They've made us look like fools and you just let them get away?" He roared in frustration. Inside, though, he knew that The Chief was right. Gordo had a sharp mind and if he said it was a trap then a trap it was. Hebuk punched a dent in the crumbling wall of the gang's den and stomped off looking for trouble.

  Fire was pouring into the shell of an office where Rogal and Janus were holed up. As the bullets kicked shards from the ancient brickwork and pinged off rusted girders the two embattled gangsters could do nothing but keep their heads down and pray.

Suddenly, Dolan was there. How he got in was anybody's guess but there he was, hurling a grenade blindly towards the gunfire and yelling for the youngsters to get up and fight. Suddenly, the fight wasn't hopeless anymore.



EQUIPMENT:Henchmen may be given equipment from charts 1 and 2.
INSPIRING:Friendly models within 6" of the Henchman may add one to their Guts rating, to a maximum of the Henchman's own Guts.



EQUIPMENT:Heavies may be given equipment from charts 1, 2 and 3.
Heavies are all physically impressive specimins and so have an additional point of Body (included above). Their maximun Body rating is also one higher.
ONE TRICK PONYHeavies must always treat increases to Fightin' as increases to Shootin' instead.
  The rest of the gang were down in Cathedral Falls, Drinking cheap Wildsnake, yelling themselves hoarse at the fighting pits or enjoying the company of Miss Sadie and her girls, but Dorn wasn't bothered - he had Miss Kitty.

He'd had to pester old Kurt for ages to get the creds for this little beauty and the guy always complained about the price of bolts and spares, but Dorn didn't care about that. With a touch as tender and gentle as a lover he turned the hefty weapon on it's side and began his work...


Note - some items appear on more than one table with different costs. This is deliberate and you may choose it at the lower cost if you are able - obviously the weapon is more likely to be found in your hands! Also note that these tables are not set in stone or complete, but represent a starting point to work from. For example, the combat weapons are very sparse as they have yet to be as fully detailed as shooting weapons.

Stub Gun 15
Hand Cannon 20
Rifle 25
Shotgun 25
Sawn-Off 20
Assault Rifle 100
Lasgun 100
Sword 20
Axe/Hammer 15
Fighting Knife 5
Assault Rifle 60
Battle Rifle 60
Lasgun 60
Boltgun 100
Bolt Pistol 80
Laspistol 30
Combat Shotgun 80
Submachinegun 80
Grenade Launcher 15
Missile Launcher 20
Light Machinegun 100
Heavy Machinegun 120
Heavy Bolter 170
Autocannon 120
Lascannon 170



Orlock+1 G+1 G+1 G+1 Ft+1 Ft+1 Ft
Goliath+1 B+1 B+1 B+1 B+1 Ft+1 Ft
Escher+1 W+1 W+1 W+1 Ft+1 Ft+1 Ft
Cawdor+1 G+1 G+1 G+1 Ft+1 Ft+1 B
Van Saar+1 G+1 G+1 G+1 Sh+1 Sh+1 Sh
Delaque+1 W+1 W+1 W+1 Sh+1 Sh+1 Sh
Unaligned+1 W+1 G+1 Sh+1 Sh+1 Ft+1 Ft

I'm afraid you're going to have to wait a bit longer for the skills - I'm still not set on how to work it, so I've left them out for now. I'll come back to it later and sort them out properly, but for now just play without them. I'll try not to be too long, but I can't guarantee when the inspiration will come!